Thriller 101

You Want In? Now's Your Chance!

David Season 2 Episode 5

David Gwyn: [00:00:00] Hey there. If you're listening to this, you're probably a thriller, suspense, mystery writer, or my mom. And if you're anything like me, you want your next novel to be the best one yet. But today you're getting something different than normal from me.

But today you're getting something different than normal from me. Let me explain. I'm David Gwyn, an agent and writer navigating the world of traditional publishing. During the second season of the Thriller 101 podcast, we're going to continue our focus on building the skills necessary to write the kind of thrillers that land you, an agent and readers. During this season, I'll be sharing some insights, while also talking to agents, authors, and other industry professionals about the best way to write a novel.

So, if you want the expert secrets, Thriller 101 is where you're going to find them. But today, like I said, I'm gonna do something different. For a long time, I've been wanting to build something that

I've been wanting to build something for a while, something for this community so that it felt more like a community. Less of me talking to you like a lecture, and more like we're sitting down at a table and having coffee together. 

[00:01:00] That's why I'm excited to share something I've been working on that if you're someone who wants to make sure your next book is your best book. You're really gonna love this. I'm launching a brand new community designed specifically for writers like us who are serious about crafting the best thrillers we can.

This isn't just another random Facebook group that you hop into and look around for a little while and then ultimately forget about. This is going to be an exclusive space. Where we'll work together to take our writing to the next level.

Imagine a place where you can connect with other dedicated writers. Where you can win prizes like free query feedback from top agents. Subscriptions to places like Scrivener, books from your favorite authors, and even do your opening pages critiqued by authors in the genre.

Now, here's the thing. I don't actually know what this is going to look like. Now, here's the thing. I don't actually know what exactly this is going to look like yet because I want the founding members to shape the experience. But, but when I think about this, I'm really thinking about [00:02:00] accountability.

online writing sprints, agent pitch events, one on one meetings with me, writing cohorts, and even some possible, and even possible author mentorships. The sky's the limit here. Plus if you're one of the select founding members, you're going to get to shape this community into what you need most. 

So that it's tailor made for you.

So, who is this for? Well, it's for any writer, agented or not, published or not, self published or traditional, or anything in between. If you want to write the best novel you've ever written, and faster than you've ever done it before, then this is the place for you.

The first month of this community kicks off in just a few weeks, and it's all about helping you write a first draft that sings.

that sets you up for success. What's different about this group is that I'm going to work with you within your writing genius and your methods to perfect them and develop them and to help you stay focused and on task. because Writing a book is hard and having people, and having people [00:03:00] connect with you is important.

So things like check ins, writing cohorts, sprints, accountability, goals, rewards, prizes, and a lot more.

But here's the thing, I'm keeping it small and exclusive, so if this sounds like something you're interested in, I want you to sign up for the waitlist. Like right now I'm gonna tell you how to do that in just a second because by joining the waitlist You'll be among the first to know all the details You'll have a say and how the community is shaped and you'll be able to secure your spot Before it opens to the public and the giveaways and prizes and the time invested here will absolutely pay dividends on your writing. Will absolutely pay dividends on your writing career.

The question you really have to ask yourself is, How much is your litera so if you're ready to write your best thriller or suspense novel yet and you want support, accountability and a community to make it happen and you want to help shape that community in a way that makes sense to you and works best for you then head to the description and sign up for the waitlist And I'll be in touch.

Let's make your next novel your [00:04:00] best novel.